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HAYASHI, Aiichiro

Name:HAYASHI, Aiichiro (male, single :-))
Picture: at Tokyo Linux Users' Group meeting,
at Yokohama-GULF-club,
abbrev.:i16 (pronounce ai-ichi-ro)
birthdate:25 Jan 1958 (presents and greetings are welcome :-))
birthtime:15:20 JST
birthplace:an industrial zone at NAGOYA (but I think (?) I'm not a robot)
I live in YOKOHAMA from my old kindergarten days.
FOREST is the nearest English word for my family name HAYASHI.
-- Our ancestral family business was, sure, forestry.
AI means LOVE,
ICHI is the number ONE,
and RO is a convensional masculine naming suffix.
I had: recieved a master's degree in precision machinery engineering from the University of Tokyo, but left Ph.D candidate school to concentrate working as a CTO(Chief Technical Officer) of a software company. But now I know that overdone is worse than undone, after I burned out :-)
I can: program in unix-Perl, windows-Delphi, any C, any assembler, etc..., and maybe any unknown language.
interested in the interacting principles of Yin and Yang.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming.
Learning Hiphop Dance.
Learning Swimming.
OccupationSelf Employed Engineer / Consultant / Engineering Counselor

you just might find to get what you need.

If you can dream it,
you can do it.

If I can do it,
I shall do it.

i16(Aiichiro) [Japanese] [ and its quick english translation by altavista ]
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